We all do need a TV guide to check the schedule of our favorite shows. To make it easy for the kodi users, there is an addon called IVUE Tv Guide that will collect all the data from your addons and prepare a TV guide for you. IVUE TV guide kodi addon is the must have addon if you regularly watch TV on kodi. Let us see how to install Ivue Tv guide kodi addon and then how to use it.
How to install IVUE Tv Guide kodi addon?
1.Open the kodi app. As soon as you open the Kodi, you could see the desktop as given below. Just click on the settings button on the window.
2. Open the file manager.
3. Tap on add source to add the required source file.
4. Now the dialog box will open up, just double click on none and give ok.
5. Then a screen will show up, where you need to enter the colossus repo URL “http://ivuetvguide.com/install” without any mistakes. Remember if you make any mistakes the path will not be added and will lead to error.
6. Now choose a desired name for the file. Here I choose it as ‘ivuetv‘. Then press ok. Remember the name should not have been used before.
7. Next go back to the main menu by pressing ESC key. Then click on add-ons in the menu.
8. Now on the top left corner, you can find an icon like unzipper, just click on it.
9. Then on the next screen press install from the zip file to add the source file.
10. Under the zip from file box you can find various files, just hang on to ‘ivuetv‘ (whatever name you save the repository file, as shown in step 6).
11.On the next page, you can see two options like smash repo and repo colossus. If you want to watch adult movies choose colossus repo. Now click on repo.ivuetvguide-0.o.1.zip.
12. Now a pop-up will appear in the top right corner, once the zip file is installed. That’s about the installation of Ivue tv guide kodi repository. Let’s now explore some of the cool features of this awesome ivue tv guide kodi repository.
How to use IVUE Tv guide kodi addon?
We have seen how to install ivue tv guide kodi repository. Now let’s see how to install ivue tv guide kodi addon and then how it can be used.
1.Open ivue tv guide kodi repo by clicking on install from repository.
2. Here you can see the list of available repositories in your system. You have to select IVUE Tv Guide Kodi Repo.
When you get into the repository, you can find three categories like video add-ons, program addons, and add-on repository. Click on video add-ons.
Under video addons you can find four add-ons like IVUE wizard, IVUE creator, over the top tv and simply tv. First, we have to install Ivue wizard. Just tap on it.
This will take you to the addon description page. Here you can find an install button at the bottom of the screen. Just tap on it to install the addon. Once you click on the install button, you can see the progress in the download. It will take a few seconds to download the files and for the installation process. Once it is installed you will get a notification that the addon is installed and ready to use.
Now we have to install IVUE creator add-on. You can find it below ivue wizard. Just tap on it.
Install this addon by clicking the install button at the bottom.
Once the addon is installed, you will receive a notification. After receiving the notification, go back to the previous page by pressing Esc key. Click on program addons.
Under program addons, you can find Ivue Tv guide kodi addon. Just tap on it.
This will take you to the addon description page. Click on the install button to install the addon.
After receiving the addon enabled notification, click on run. This will download the required files. It may take a few minutes to download and extract the necessary files.
Once everything is complete, you can see your screen appearing as the image provided below. You can see the Tv guide of the channels available. This will show you the guide for all the channels that can be accessed via IPTV. When you click on any one of the show, it will show the addons in your system that can be used to watch the show. You can also add your favorite channels to the list.
That’s about the installation of IVUE TV Guide kodi addon. Do drop a comment in case of any clarifications regarding this addon.
I can’t seem to subscribe to Bennu live tv through Ivue TV guide. Anyone else have this same problem?