After using a dozen of anime addons, I could say Watch Cartoon Online Kodi addon is the best. Because you will find lots of amazing content, and all these are streaming perfectly! We tested out 20 samples, all of them are working. This addon is available in the Superrepo repository. It includes eight different categories namely Latest 50 releases, Popular and Ongoing Series, Dubbed Anime List, Cartoons List, Movies and much more. It also provides two search tool. Overall search and search by Genre tool, to find our favorite shows easily. Now we will proceed to step by step installation of Watch Cartoon Online Kodi addon.
How to install Watch Cartoon Online Kodi addon
1. From the Kodi Homepage, Click on the gear icon.
2. Select the File Manager from System menu.
3. Now double-click on the Add source from the File Manager.
4. Select <None> in the Add file source dialog box.
5. Here you need to enter the path of the required repository. Now I enter the path as “”. Make sure that the entered path is correct and then proceed Ok.
6. Now you have to enter the suitable name which you want for the media source. Now I enter the name as “superrepo” and then Click on Ok.
7. After completing the above process, navigate to the Kodi Homepage and select the Add-ons.
8. Now select the Package Installer icon which is present at the Top-left corner.
9. Here you have to select the Install from zip file.
10. Here you will find the source name which you have already given in Step 6. Now I select the source as “superrepo”.
11. Here select the version of the repository. Now I select “Krypton”.
12. Now select the all.
13. Here you can select the repository zip file as “” and wait for few seconds while the repository gets installed.
14. Now the popup clearly shows that the repository gets installed successfully.
15. Here you have to select Install from repository.
16. Now the list of repositories is shown here. In this, You can select the repository as “SuperRepo All[Krypton][v7]”.
17. Select the Video add-ons from the superrepo repository.
18. Here the list of addons is displayed which are available in the superrepo repository. In this, you have to select “WatchCartoonOnline” addon.
19. Click on the Install to install this addon.
20. Here you need to select the version as “Version 1.1.7(superRepo)” and wait for few seconds while the addon completes its installation process.
21. Now the popup clearly indicates that the addon is installed successfully.
22. Click on the Open and enter into this addon.
Watch Cartoon Online Kodi addon reviews
Actually, it comes with eight general categories and two are the search features. The general categories are Latest 50 releases, Popular and Ongoing series, Cartoons list, Movies and much more. The Two features are added to find the categories easily like Search and Search by Genre. Let us see one by one category below.
Latest 50 releases:
This section includes only the 50 shows which had been released recently. It is a mix of genre. Random latest shows.
Popular and Ongoing Series:
This is my favorite section, it includes all popular series. Some shows are DBS, Boruto and lots more.
This section includes anime and cartoon movies. Currently, it has more than 80 movies, and the list is frequently updating. And it also includes OVA movies.
Search and Search by Genre:
Search is used for searching the overall categories present in this addon. Search by Genre is also a search tool, it helps to search for the specific genre. This addon includes more than fifty genres like Action, Animation, Comedy, Crime, Education and much more.
The contents which are present in this addon are really amazing and all are working properly without any issue. The quality is also well. You can install Watch Cartoon Online Kodi addon and enjoy your favorite anime and cartoons. If you face any errors while using this addon, Kindly do let me know via comments.